Don't Do Been Done.™
I wish I had a style. Every artist needs a style, right? An instantly identifiable approach that's both unique yet familiar. You know: a vibe for the masses to latch on to.
Alas, I have a million vibes. If I was a muted, ringing phone I'd vibe right off the table.
I'm Pete VR, the artist (of sorts) behind Smograsbrand.™ To accommodate said lack of artistic focus, I've hijacked modernity's great categorizer: brands. An ever-expanding smorgasbord of them, in fact.
It goes like this: I get an idea. I develop it into a concept. Then I prolifically explore within the bounds dictated by the concept, creating a self-contained world (brand) into which the viewer is invited to plunge.
While my methods may range from (1) original illustration and other artworks, to (2) existing artistic elements repurposed in collage or paired with typography, to (3) whoknowswhat mode of expression; and my themes may hopscotch the spectrum from (1) quasi-political, to (2) ebullient feel-goodism, to (3) the kookily profound; the unifying essence of my work is its stanch adherence to originality of concept. The idea behind each brand is 100% original to my brain. In other words, I don't do been done.
From there , the process is easy: I share that creative spark with you (a discerning connoisseur of originality), then you share that brand with others, via the particular Smorgasbrand you hang on your walls, slap on your vehicles or laptops, or wear out-and-about into the zaniness of existence.
I'll be creating new art within brands constantly, not to mention developing whole new brands regularly as well. Will you vibe with all of them? Of course not. Which makes taking the time to explore at least a few so crucial. So, please...start.
Glad you're here. Enjoy your digital ramble. And, for goodness sake, have a little fun while you're here. The world is serious enough; enjoy a respite in (all of) mine. PVR
Buying made easy interesting
Ultimately, this site is about output over organization.
It's the manifestation of a personal challenge: How much art can be created from my gigantic concept backlog before I croak?
So, apologies, but buying my art is just as haphazard as browsing it because I tap a variety of digital outlets to make it available for sale. Each brand page, however, has details on where to buy its art, so, rest assured, I haven't left you completely stranded in cyberblivion.
Granted, most will probably deem this whole approach a daunting mess and have already clicked or taped elsewhere long before reading this sentence. Fair enough.
For the curious few remaining, your perseverance will be rewarded.
Since 1989, I've wielded words and images as an advertising creative in agencies and companies in Chicago and Michigan.
But even after a long day of conjuring copy and concepts, my surplus ideas persist.
Smorgasbrand is a place for me to put them. And for you to buy them.
In short, it's: The Collision of Concept and Commerce.™

As mentioned, you will be guided from each individual brand page to my art for sale on selected third-party sites. If you have a question or concern about ordering, shipping, tracking, returns, refunds, product details, apparel sizing, or any other related question, please refer to the HELP or CUSTOMER SERVICE links on that particular commerce site.
If you have a question or concern regarding my actual art or desgns, or if you are interested in licensing my art, or offering it in quantity for sale in a retail or other business setting, please contact me at Thank you. PVR