
Pete Van Regenmorter
May 5, 2022
The Tagline Tumblerâ„¢
I pump out taglines for a living, thus, there's no way there'll be only one Smorgasbrand tagline forever. So I'll be working on a Tagline...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Mar 31, 2022
NEW SERIES: Trilliumnaireâ„¢
Spring means trillium in the north woods. This April, I'll be creating a lot of trillium-inspired art for sale in my Harbor Springerâ„¢ Vibe.

Pete Van Regenmorter
Mar 9, 2022
NEW ART: Cheap Stickers. Crucial Message.
I created this sticker to promote peace. And I'm offering them as close to at-cost as possible.