The Ambassador of Basketball Bliss.™
There's that moment where your feet launch off the court, ball in hand, with a target that some might call a mile away.
But not you.
As you ascend, the rim might as well be just an armslength. You know there is no question, no debate, no earthly way that ball is going anywhere other than to be swaddled, for a split second, by the swishing fingers of the net and net alone.
You hear it. You only hear it.
Because you've long turned away, with a bead of sweat falling from your nose, complete in the fulfillment of what you foresaw.
BasketBill™ knows that feeling.
BasketBill is that feeling.
You know it whether you play on the splintered concrete of a playground court, or the pristine, pro-arena hardwood, glistening with lacquer. You even know the feeling if you're in the stands or rooting from your couch. This Vibe is all about sharing it...with a little help from BasketBill, the Ambassador of Basketball Bliss.
Buy a growing collection of my BasketBill art on everything from premium apparel to home goods.